Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ben dorm room tour

Ok, Lisa said the video at the bottom did not come out for her, so here is the youtube address so you can see it if its a problem for you too...

This was Ben last night after school in dorm during free time. 7 kids in his dorm, with a nice couple the Walkers as dorm parents. Very family atmosphere. Dave Walker, the dorm dad plays guitar, as well as 5 of the 7 kids... I believe there are 4 or 5 guitars in the dorm. I'm hoping to get one for Ben, but if I'm not able to, he will still have access to one.

Ben & Karlin, roomies

Hilary, sitting outside at lunchtime.

Boys in Ben's grade. Karlin sitting on right side of Ben. Corey, two seats over, USA shirt.

Jim & Ramona were so kind to host us.... Nice pizza supper too... :D

Ben has settled in so quickly... almost faster than Hilary did with the girls she already knew for 4 years. Ben is rooming with Karlin Ellenberger who was at ICA with him when they were 3 yrs old. He has another boy, Corey Timberlake who again was at ICA, as well as JJ McComb, but JJ is on furlough this year.... Its almost like a 10year toddler reunion party.

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